Friday, August 28, 2009

Inner Peace and Balance: The Heart of Sustainability

Much of the vision and mission of Femme Fire Productions is founded upon the belief that we are in the midst of a massive global transformation -- what some call "The Great Turning" (see David Korten and Joanna Macy). The Great Turning is the revolution from our current Corporate-Industrial Age to a Life-Sustaining Age. Femme Fire's mission is to serve, nurture, empower and guide others (through the vehicles of various media, events, retreats, and coaching/mediation services) to foster positive change toward sustainability. It also documents aspects of the Great Turning change process and the voices of the individuals, groups and organizations leading the way.

Now is a time when each of us is asked to step fully into our creativity, courage, personal power, resourcefulness, leadership, strength and vision. Our planetary situation is dire, and it's futile (and also counterproductive) to bury our heads in the sand, go along living just as we have been, and/or hope that the chaos will simply resolve itself or go away. We are asked to respond and change; indeed, the planet, and our continued survival in the arms of Gaia, demands this of us. Many leading scientists and activists feel a sense of urgency; some sadly wonder if it might, indeed, be too late for our species. I act with the clear vision, faith, and conviction that it is not too late, while doing my best to keep my eyes wide open and not look away from the fear, pain and suffering. As a species, we are all grieving deep inside (some more conscious of and sensitive to pain than others... these are the healers). We're yearning for what is good, wholesome, life-serving and deeply primal to our human beingness.

Turnings (or revolutions) have happened twice before in human history. First when we changed from nomadic (or semi-nomadic), fairly egalitarian groups of hunter gatherers living in extended family clans and tribes to the establishment of agriculture. This eventually led to the development of sedentary societies of villages and towns. The Agricultural Revolution, which began about 10,000 BC, formed the ground for human civilization to develop. High population densities, complex labor diversification, trading economies, the development of non-portable art, architecture and culture, centralized administrations and political structures, hierarchical ideologies and depersonalized systems of knowledge (e.g. property regimes and writing) all developed during this Age. This first revolution radically modified the natural environment in which we lived, primarily due to the introduction of irrigation and specialized cultivation that allowed for surplus production and storage of food.

It also drastically altered our relationship with the natural world. Human culture gradually began to shift away from a Goddess-Mother oriented worldview, in which we saw ourselves and our Earth as fundamentally interconnected and one, rooted within a sacred honoring of the life force through our passage from birth to death. Mother-child / earth-child bonded imprinting prevailed in all aspects of our lives and throughout our lives.

The second turning, or Industrial Revolution was the period during the late 18th and early 19th centuries when profound socioeconomic and cultural changes were brought about by major innovations in agriculture, transport, mining and manufacture in Great Britain. And, of course, this revolution eventually spread to all parts of the world and gradually transformed into our current industrial-corporate complex. Almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way by this major turning point in human society. This revolution took us even farther away from our ancestral rootedness in the natural environment. By this time, the dominator society (with all its damaging implications for and oppressions against all things goddess, mother and female) was firmly established and entrenched. Women and children had become chattel and property of the father-dominator-state to be oppressed and exploited, much like the gradual exploitation and degradation of the planet and all indigenous peoples of color.

If we look around us, we can see the Great Turning underway. The signs and indicators are visible, while the shifts and movements toward a sustainable, life-serving way of life and New Culture are still somewhat invisible and underground. This revolution is being driven by a myriad of factors, including population expansion, erosion and pollution of our natural environment and its interconnected systems, together with depletion of oil and other resources fundamentally necessary to continued life on our planet. It is heralded by crumbling socioeconomic systems and deteriorating infrastructure, massive political unrest, social inequalities, coupled with profound changes that are taking place on a cultural and environmental level. The Life-Sustaining Age's foundation is built from grassroots activism, spiritual consciousness, women's emancipation and liberation, intentional community, feminism, deep ecology, environmentalism, scientific data and theories, social justice, human freedom and equality... and let's not forget huge quantities of magic, faith, hope and heroism.

As Joanna Macy has so clearly affirmed and I wish to also affirm, this is an absolutely amazing time to be alive! It's also an opportunity to tap into all the divinity, personal power, strength, fortitude, love and creativity that we can muster within ourselves to meet the huge challenges we face. It is absolutely crucial to build human solidarity through community and cooperative, collaborative, grassroots endeavors to meet the demands of this revolution and live into a truly Life-Sustaining Age. A key component is the empowerment of women to stand up, be seen, heard and ACT UP! Our gifts, talents and womanly ways of being in leadership and community, in relationship and in communion with creative forces are urgently needed!

What do inner peace and balance have to do with all of this? And how do those qualities relate to the idea of "sustainability"? Sustainability, in its broadest sense, is the capacity to endure. In the human domain, it is the potential for long-term maintenance of well being and balance, which in turn depends on the well being of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources. The connections are clear, and so is the path that brought us to where we are. This is good because it also partially illuminates the path back to sustainability. This obviously begins with the re-establishment of mother-child / earth-child bonded imprinting that has been damaged or broken, through deep re-connection with the natural environment. Planetary healing also requires a return to honoring of all that is female and mother in each of us; regardless of our gender, we are all originally xx females.

It is clear that human well being is systemically related to the natural world and maintenance of healthy ecosystems. One need only go for a walk in a forest, beach or meadow to feel the healing effects of nature upon the human system. Each of us feels our sense of well being and flourishing rise while in communion with nature. Most sustainability experiments and projects, such as ecovillages, are primarily looking at this over-arching, systemic relationship to the environment and its ecosystems, while often overlooking, giving short shrift to, or completely ignoring the deeper, more profound inner dimension of long-term maintenance of human well being.

What is perhaps not so clear to many is that in order to create a sustainable world society based upon wise utilization of natural resources requires the personal growth of the individual collectively. For instance, one of the cornerstones of a Life-Sustaining Age would be world peace. To fully achieve world peace requires inner peace within each individual, with absolutely no desire to do harm because to harm another would be to harm oneself. While this may have been common knowledge and true for our species long ago (and possibly still is true for some of the few remaining peaceful, indigenous peoples on our planet), to achieve sustainable levels of inner peace and happiness requires deep connectedness to all that is alive. Peace also requires genuine empathy, acceptance, compassion, equality, sharing and cooperation.

As someone who grew up within the dominant culture, then lived within intentional communities in the counterculture for most of my adult life, it has become abundantly clear to me that we, as individuals, have a lot of learning and growing to do (as well as undoing of previous cultural conditioning) before we are able to effectively cooperate, share and live with one another in peace, with genuine happiness and well being that is easily sustainable. Time and time again, I've seen the effects of misunderstandings, judgments, personal woundedness and pain, emotional violence ... all leading to interpersonal conflicts. Healing needs to happen between the planet and ourselves, women and women, men and men, women and men. Few of us are immune, yet most live in denial of this truth.

The Heart of Sustainability resides in the ability of the individual to grow in awareness, consciousness to sustain a deeply authentic place of inner peace and happiness. None of us can be truly free from suffering and fully at peace within ourselves and our world unless all of us are free from suffering. When one person (or any sentient being) is harmed, oppressed, silenced, suffering or in pain, the community on the whole feels this and is effected by it, whether consciously aware of the impact or not. The only clear route to genuine inner peace is to first face one's inner pain (which we all carry due to the condition of our planet and human society), do the necessary personal growth work (perhaps a lifelong process for the next generation or two), and then learn to embrace our collective pain in order to transform it into sustainable happiness and well being of a Life-Sustaining Age. This argument in support of personal growth, internal peace and balance as the heart of true sustainability can be extended to most aspects of the human family living within a Life-Sustaining Age.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Serendipity, Synchronicity & Synergy

Serendipity, synchronicity and synergy are three of my favorite words in the English language. This is partly because I like the "s" sound in general, and partly because the poetry of these words and philosophical concepts, as well as their materializations into reality, are beautiful. What I like most about these words, however, is that they illustrate the profoundly energetic, invisible, interconnected web of life and the workings of the collective unconscious / creativity. When I have the pleasure of witnessing serendipity, synchronicity and/or synergy in action, it is thrilling to me indeed! Wow!

For they are indicators of the Universe's unseen, magical workings and flow and an affirmation of my belief/value system. It is an encouragement from Spirit to continue in the work/play of opening my whole being to energetic connections and love, both of which move far beyond the limits of space and time. This also serves as a clear indicator that I can use to tell me whether or not my visions and projects are moving beyond my inner, local reality and manifesting into a much larger, universal realm of energetic flow.

Today all three of these word-actions manifested in a magical way that is exceedingly lovely for me to behold. It is also quite exciting to write about and elaborate upon, which helps me fully integrate the experience. This happening that I'm about to share with you is wonderful, and auspicious for the recent birth of Femme Fire Productions.

TubunMuzu, creator of The Omo People YouTube video (which I shared in my first blog post), sent me a nice letter reaching out in friendship. As you may remember, his video was part of the original inspiration for Femme Fire/Celebrate Your Light! He found my blog post last night in a completely unrelated google search. When he did, he felt happy and validated, viewed this as fortunate, and chose to share his story with me; hence, serendipity in action. Since his video and Femme Fire are not causally related, yet they occur together in a meaningful manner, this is an example of synchronicity in action.

After responding to Tubun that it now seems more important to show The Omo People video during our Celebrate! Retreat to our retreatants (we will be focusing for one day on collaborative art, self-adornment, a "Marry Your Self" ritual and Goddess Dance, JOY celebration), he quickly responded with generosity. Tubun desires to support women by creating and sending me a special, high quality DVD of this YouTube video! His DVD and my retreat will have an impact on many women, whether attending or not; this is already true. We are now in cooperation for an outcome that will not only be (and is) advantageous for each of us, but to many others as well; thus, the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts and a clear example of synergy in action.

It also happens to be that Tubun lives in the desert in Arizona, and our retreat will be held in the Mojave desert in the majesty of its spring blooming. There will be tropical birds in migration, and many goddesses in flight.

Universe / Goddess / God is so magical and abundant. The human heart is full of goodness; we are essentially good and worthy of all love. Can you see and feel that this true? Just ask the Dalai Lama, if you don't believe me.
I love tapping into the web of interconnected energy and love. And I also love the internet, the worldwide web and all of you, too!

Below are definitions of these favorite words from Wikipedia for your use and illumination. I've also included a link for "emergence" or "emergent behavior," another related and fascinating topic. I hope you've enjoyed this exploration and sharing. Please consider becoming a follower of my blog and support me in my efforts to make a difference.

In gratitude and community,

Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely unrelated. The word has been voted as one of the ten English words that were hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company. However, due to its sociological use, the word has been imported into many other languages.

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.

Synergy (from the Greek syn-ergos, συνεργός meaning working together) is the term used to describe a situation where different entities cooperate advantageously for a final outcome. Simply defined, it means that the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Although the whole will be greater than each individual part, this is not the concept of synergy. If used in a business application it means that teamwork will produce an overall better result than if each person was working toward the same goal individually.

  • A dynamic state in which combined action is favored over the sum of individual component actions.
  • emergent behavior.
(Photo courtesy of Gerri Davis)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Heart Fire

My heart is on fire. Sometimes this feels good, exciting, fun and even magical; other times, the feelings are more of sadness, grief, longing for deeper connections, more compassion, touch and understanding in the world. The latter occurs when I am lost in the place between the vision of what could be and the reality of what is, feeling my fragile humanity. Nevertheless, my heart is on fire with its divinity, vision and passion. This eternal longing is very real to me; it has been a part of my life since I was very young. Is this true of everyone I wonder?

The love in my heart is infinite, boundless; each day I awaken further to the depth of the mysteries and joy of the Beloved Friend. I also witness the working of my grasping ego and my pain body as well; it's an endless dance of growth and change, of recovery. Writing and recording the journey is, and always has been, part of my story; this is perhaps what has saved my life, together with books and buddhism.

A couple of weeks ago, SARK (Susan Arial Rainbow Kennedy) led a Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper writing workshop at the Hayward Public Library. I have been a fan of her work since reading her first book, Succulent Wild Woman. Since then, she's published 14 books in 14 years! I'd say she knows something about the creative writing process. So I was delighted to learn about this *free* writing workshop and eager to finally meet this interesting woman, artist and writer.

Add to this the fact that I had been in correspondence with SARK (through her assistant) about presenting at Femme Fire Productions' first event next spring, -- Celebrate Your Light! Women's Self-Love Retreat -- and you might be able to imagine my curiosity about participating in one of her workshops. It turned out to be wonderful and incredibly fun and interesting! SARK is a very lively, engaging, fun person and a great storyteller. She will bring a high level of juiciness and zestful presence to our retreat. I am honored to call her friend. Before beginning the workshop, she wrote a descriptive word on labels for each of us. The word sitting in front of me was/is "DEEP" -- my essence forever etched in juicy colored felt marker on thirsty paper by SARK.

Since meeting Susan (SARK) and sharing a warm hug AND sweet validation that we were born just days apart in April (both fire signs), we've gone on to confirm that she will lead a playshop at my Celebrate Your Light Retreat. It is called "SARK's Self-Love Festival of Lounging and Liberation." Wow! Doesn't this sound intriguing? Susan is creating this festival playshop especially for Celebrate Retreat, and it will be a luxurious four hours to be sure. The anticipation is starting to build, and I can't wait to seek self-love delight in this playshop with our retreatants and Susan and then celebrate our birthdays together! Well, I can and I will wait, but you know what I mean.

Does SARK's playshop sound like the kind of FUN LEARNINGS you don't want to miss out on? Come join us at Joshua Tree! We'll be staying at a sacred place where many spiritual teachers have taught and spent time in retreat during the peak of the blooming season -- Joshua Tree Retreat, Conference and Wellness Center.
Susan also happens to be very supportive, kind and generous ... not to mention quite lovely. And did I say fun? SARK definitely knows how to have FUN and embodies SELF-LOVE in its most beautiful creative expressions. Her empathy and compassion are palpable when you witness her in action.

No, she isn't perfect! And I guess she would not want to be sat upon a pedestal -- no place for an ALIVE WOMAN like SARK! I imagine she has faults and wounds just like all of us; actually, I know she does because she freely admits this is true. It is our imperfections and humanity that perhaps make us as beautiful and magnificent as we are, yes? Have you ever noticed that those little quirks and weaknesses can be so endearing in those we love? ... or irritating I suppose in those we say we dislike or hate because they are mirrors of what we cannot accept within ourselves?

I've been meditating and working with my own perfectionistic tendencies. This is lifelong work in progress... this allowance and acceptance of weakness and imperfection, vulnerability and woundedness -- the shadow that creates the light. Doing so, uncovering the layers blocking my essence, increases the flames and brightness of the fire burning in my heart... that light of core presence that is pure energy.

As I gaze into the fire and listen deeply within, there is the voice of the Beloved -- a clear calling of Spirit... of Love calling me onward into risk and change, into a deeper "not knowing," and into the arms of a lover still a mystery to me. I chase after the elusive mystery and encounter surprises, synchronicities, mutualities, commonalities and synergistic, magical heart connections, encounters and opportunities that challenge and support me in reaching... stretching for my potential. I feel myself lifting and twirling into love again... over and over again. With this is also the hum and spark of libido, the serpent of kundalini fire ... of a hunger welling up that has been dormant, asleep, waiting for the right heart's gentleness to kindle this being to ignite in passion's flame.

I leave you this night with more of Angeles Arrien -- an excerpt from her book, The Eight Gates of Wisdom, followed by some of her suggested practices (from her website). Some of this repeats pieces of her work I quoted in my previous blog post, yet I'm fine with seeing this material again, aren't you?

Sources of Inspiration: The Four Fires

Universally, fire is regarded as a spiritual symbol of awakening. It is also a purifying force that can be constructive or destructive, depending on how we use it. Many sacred texts, such as the Bible, Koran, and Torah, speak of fire as a symbol of the vital life force that can be called upon for transformation, re-visioning, or the transmission of renewed meaning. Traditionally, the four fires that these sacred texts refer to are the fire of vision, the fire of the heart, the creative fire, and the soul’s fire.

We encounter these fires throughout our lives, and we need to reconnect to them so that we can experience what truly inspires us. The fire of vision provides visions or dreams that show us possibilities and potential in our lives, inspiring us to manifest what we see or are called upon to do. The fire of the heart teaches us about what and whom we love. The creative fire signals the work that we love, a keen awareness of our gifts, and our desire to express them as a way of contributing to the world. The soul’s fire calls us to be authentically who we are and serve others rather than our own egos.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa were seized by all four fires, as is often the case with anyone who is inspired by a great dream or who explores any one of the fires in depth. The four universal fires urge the human spirit to look deeply for meaningful connections, to manifest creativity and vision in generative ways, and to listen to the soul’s promptings for deepening and renewal.

––excerpt from Angeles Arrien’s
The Second Half of Life:

Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom, pg. 34-35

Monthly Practice:

bulletThe fire of Vision:
What new visions or new possibilities are capturing your imagination? At the end of each day this month, ask who or what inspired you today?

bulletThe Heart’s fire:
What or whom do you love? What are you learning about love this year? Are you following what has heart and meaning?

bulletThe Creative fire – “the fire that takes no wood”:
What creative projects, aspects of work, or new applications of your creativity are sources of inspiration for you at this time?

bulletThe Soul’s Fire:
What spiritual experiences or deep internal callings or longings are making themselves known to you this year? At the end of each day, notice which of the four fires were present: in what relationship; under what circumstances; and what thoughts, insights, feelings provoked your awareness of their presence?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Embodiment of Fire Energy

Are you familiar with Angeles Arrien, cultural anthropologist and author? She wrote The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary. I like her work a whole lot, and this training is embedded within my retreat practice -- Lotus Peace Retreats. Now I am reading her latest book, The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eights Gates of Wisdom, which is excellent and also a piece of the inspiration and vision underlying Femme Fire Productions.

In this book, she eloquently discusses the symbolic significance of fire -- an energy I personally resonate with, having primarily fire and air in my astrological natal chart.

"Universally, fire is regarded as a spiritual symbol of awakening. It is also a purifying force that can be constructive or destructive, depending on our use of it. Many sacred texts, such as the Bible, Koran, and Torah, speak of fire as a symbol of the vital life force that can be called upon for transformation, re-visioning, or the transmission of renewed meaning. Traditionally, the four fires that these sacred texts refer to are the fire of vision, the fire of the heart, the creative fire, and the soul's fire. We encounter these fires throughout our lives, and during our later years we need to reconnect to them so that we can experience what truly inspires us. The fire of vision provides visions or dreams that show us possibilities and potential in our lives, inspiring us to manifest what we see or are called upon to do. The fire of the heart teaches us about what and whom we love. The creative fire signals the work that we love, a keen awareness of our gifts, and our desire to express them as a way of contributing to the world. The soul's fire calls us to be authentically who we are and serve others rather than our own egos."

I am personally seized by all four fires at this time in my life and am a woman, a femme with a woman-centered consciousness. With all the massive changes happening in our world at warp drive, there is a sense of fiery dissolution or "burning down the house." Arrien elaborates, "[t]he four universal fires urge the human spirit to look deeply for meaningful connections, to manifest creativity and vision in generative ways, and to listen to the soul's promptings for deepening and renewal. Clarissa Pinkola Estes graphically describes the function and power of fire's transformative nature:

Deep in the wintry parts of our minds, we are hardy stock and know there is no such thing as work-free transformation. We know that we will have to burn to the ground in one way or another, and then sit right in the ashes of who we once thought we were and go on from there."

Femme Fires Productions is all about personal growth and individual / global transformation by helping to ignite and fuel the fires of women and our male allies and consorts through the vehicle of co-creative, magical collaboration. Its mission is to assist women in empowering themselves to step fully into their glorious magnificence. The world needs women NOW more than ever to ACT UP as wisdom carriers, leaders, visionaries, healers, spiritual warriors, change-makers and peaceful revolutionaries of the heart for the planet and our children.

I give thanks to Angeles Arrien and her inspiring writings. She has helped me to access and clarify a piece of the vision of Femme Fire Productions and to share it with you. What lights you up and makes you feel completely ALIVE and excited... like a hot fire? Which of the four fires is/are most actively burning within you at this time in your life?

You're invited to continue to walk with me on this fiery journey by becoming a follower of my new blog. Thanks! :-)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What is Femme Fire?

Welcome to Femme Fire Productions' Blog! You might ask yourself, "What is Femme Fire?"

Femme Fire was originally inspired by a YouTube video I like -- "The Omo People" from TubunMuzu -- and sent by my friend and colleague, Master Retreat & Life Coach Margie Scott.

What does this video say to you? Does it bring up any feelings? It made an impact on my psyche. As I sat in meditation, some of the images would materialize in my mind's eye. This was intriguing and also stimulating because of my longtime interest in and fascination with anthropology. For me, the Omo's everyday self-adornment signifies a deeply imprinted, primal bond with the Earth. It is creative self-expression in action where the artist, the canvas, and the materials are One. Love is evident -- love of self, love of Earth, love of family and community. What would it be like to celebrate One's Self, Source and Earth in this way? every day? How would this change me? us? our society? Would it help to heal the planet?

As time passed, I began to envision a woman's retreat -- a sacred space where women could converge into community and co-create, participate in a self-adornment ritual similar to the Omo people. I saw a group of zesty, alive, happy women hiking together, seeking and gathering materials for our ritual. Together in harmony, we mixed natural plant dyes, added water to clay, stirred cauldrons over fire, wove leaves and flowers, sticks and berries into garlands and headdresses. These visions led to more glorious visions, which will be shared with you as long as you desire to remain connected to Femme Fire Productions and me, Lotus Allen, its creatrix.

Femme Fire Productions was born in the early morning today, June 30, 2009, and this is its official launch into the world!

Femme Fire is here to celebrate WOMANHOOD! It empowers, nurtures and guides women through various forms of gatherings, media, writing, and art. We are open to and accepting of ALL women-identified women. Our story is the story of women in circles of community telling their stories since the beginning of human herstory. Femme Fire is a timeless place to retreat and practice quality self-care. What would your life be life if you did this regularly?

Femme Fire is an adventure and an experiment in radical, feminist empowerment. It is an experiential learning practice, a fabulous and exciting opportunity to gather and commune in powerful circles of sisters. Femme Fire is a way to ignite your fire and live your life fully ALIVE and AWAKE to your divine magnificence.

Like what you hear so far? Please follow this blog to hear more and discover wonderful and heartful surprises as we travel the Femme Fire path. It promises to lead us into love and wonder, laughter and delight, learning and personal growth, transformation.

Lotus Allen, Creatrix
Femme Fire Productions